Friday, September 26, 2014

Take A Moment To Refuel

Happy Friday!

I hope you've had a wonderful week.

Ever since school started, our weeks have been flying by in crazy light speed.
Our weekends haven't felt long enough to get everything done.

Ya know the feeling? 

Last weekend I was reminded that it doesn't take much to refuel your heart.

Sometimes I fall into the trap of thinking I have to plan a big hoopla outing to feel like we had a good weekend.
But most times, the hoopla outings can add more stress because of the time it takes.

Last weekend we packed our water bottles and headed to a little trail just a few miles from our home. 

 It was a beautiful day to take in the beauty of God's creation.

We hiked, talked, giggled, tried to catch frogs,  and took many replenishing deep breaths.

It was exactly what our family needed.
I was delightfully reminded that a simple hour can do wonders for the heart.

Admittedly, as I begin this Friday morning, my heart feels full of anxiety.
We have a FUN and full day planned today
but I have A LOT to accomplish this weekend.

 So before I allow the 'to do list' get the best of me, 
I am joyfully planning a simple way to refuel this weekend- 
even if it's just an hour.

God rested on the 7th day for a very good reason.
 I hope you're able to find a way to refuel this weekend!


  1. So true! We started school back in July and had a week off the first week of September and took a couple of day trips and it just felt so good! It was exactly what we all needed! Happy Weekend!

  2. I have been feeling the same here... Short tempered, stressed and the never ending to do list. We decided this week that we are going to take a last minute getaway this weekend. We are skipping soccer and everything else. I packed for the kids today while they are at school and when they get home we are off for a few days...
    I think of you daily when I pass my cute fall leaf banner you made. :)

  3. You all are the cutest family and make my heart smile when I read about your adventures, great and small. Blessings abundant!
