Thursday, September 11, 2014

10 On 10: September 2014

13 years ago today was an indescribable tragedy.
I will never forget when I heard the news.
I remember exactly where I was.

I can't help but think about all the families who were directly affected by this catastrophic event. 
I can't imagine the pain they still feel.

This morning as I sit and look through my 10 on 10 pictures I took yesterday,
I am feeling an extra dose of thankfulness 
that I get to experience the little joys in the every day.

Each day is a gift.

I am reminded how blessed I am to experience all these little moments with my family.

Early morning prep in our classroom.
I love turning on all our lamps- makes our room feel so cozy.

Baking breakfast muffins.
Sometimes I like letting my girls wake up to the sounds and smells of a yummy breakfast.

First fire of the season

Thankful I get to start each morning in the word of God 
with my girls.

This view

Maggie was struggling with writing the number 3.
Then we got a serious case of the giggles.

Gathering from our garden before the  first frost.

Picking our last bouquet of the season.

I know this is grainy and blurry.
Oh but if you could have heard the giggles  . . .
Thankful for late afternoon dance parties.

I am so blessed.
I am so thankful.

I hope you get a chance to thank the Lord 
for all the little gifts this day brings. 


  1. your girls are precious! i'm a bit jealous the colder air is there already. i'm really ready for some flannel and hot chocolate.

  2. It looks like a cozy day! I can not wait for the cooler fall weather to come our way. I always enjoy seeing pictures of your cute girls..

  3. Wow! looks like you all are experiencing some really chilly weather. We were in the 60's today and that was chilly for us and I made gumbo for dinner. Cute pictures of those precious girls! Happy new school year!
