Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Paper Beads: A Fun Rainy Day Craft

Happy May to you!

In our neck of the woods, Spring brings lots of rain.
I'm not complaining, 
I appreciate the coziness of a good ol' rainy day.

But the challenge can be keeping the kiddoes entertained
(aka- quiet, so you can enjoy the peaceful, cozy, rainy day)

Last week, Kaitlyn and I tried our hand at making paper beads.
This craft proved to be simple and wonderfully time consuming.

Here's what you need:

  • old magazines and/or scrapbook paper
  • glue
  • scissors
  • toothpick/skewer
  • Mod Podge and a little paint brush

All you do is cut a long triangle from your paper of choice.
We found the magazine paper made really fun and colorful beads, but if you wanted more of a single shade of color, scrapbook paper worked really well.

Roll your triangle, starting with the wide side, very tightly on a skewer.

When you get to the end, use a little glue to seal the bead closed.
Then paint on a thin layer of Mod  Podge and allow to dry completely.

 Be sure to take pictures of your cute kid in the process.

Once you've made a pile o' beads, you can string them up to make your jewelry of choice.

Kait and I were thrilled with the end product.

I see many more afternoons of bead making in the near future.

Hope you get a cozy rainy day to try these out with your kiddoes!

1 comment:

  1. Well, that is just so cute and love the look of determination on Kaitlyn's face.
