Monday, January 21, 2013

Frozen Beauty

Goooooood Monday Morning!

Did you have a nice weekend?

Ours was lovely.

It started with a bang when I had a sweet group of home school mommas over Friday night.
We get together once a month to eat sweets and chat about everything.
I look forward to this night every month.
I always end the night (or shall I say early morning) with a HUGE smile and a list of books to get.

Saturday was equally delightful.
 My dear friend Christy gave an inspiring seminar at our church.
Oh how I wish I could have recorded it for you. 
I left feeling encouraged and overwhelmed- in a good way.
You really should read her blog.
I can guarantee you will be encouraged. 

We also snuck in a little hike.
We went to our favorite trail a few miles from our house.

All I can say is God is an amazing artist!
Just look what He sculpted with ice!

If He can do this with water, just imagine what He can do with us!

I love being outside with my family.

 Somebody got a little tired.
 But he wouldn't carry me home (hee hee).

It was a lovely weekend indeed.
I'm refreshed and ready for a great week ahead.
I hope you are too! 


  1. beautiful!!!

    my heart raced a litle when you said, "if God can make water this beautiful, think of what He can do with us!"

    eeeeeeeee! molding a masterpiece!
    i pray that i'm moldable for His glory.

  2. oh such a beautiful winter wonderland. sure don't miss those chilly temps though. i think it's wonderful you get together with your friends for that once a month hook-up. that is so vital. i'm sure it helps you feel supported and encouraged in your homeschool path. keep on keepin' on girl! love your space:)

  3. Stunning photos, we took a walk yesterday too. Love walking in the winter when the sun is shining and the sky is so blue. It does a soul good to get out of the house and breath in the beauty that surrounds us.

  4. I'm always inspired when I visit your little corner of the net!! I just took a walk and was wearing a tee and yoga pants. What difference a few thousand miles will make. LOL Sunny with overcast here in FL.

  5. Beautiful pictures!
    Love girls nights out! I wish I had them more often.

  6. i love all the snow adventures you take. so fun. you are a fun family. you are joyful people. i like that. thought you should know. : ) xoxo.

  7. What beautiful, beautiful pics! I love your idea of imagining what God can do with us if he is able to create such beauty with water. Great metaphor...or symbolism...or simile...or hyperbole... You get the idea!

  8. So jealous of all your snow and your fun night with friends! xoxo
